Monday, September 25, 2017

Power to the Pluggers

Oh lord, this is pluggers, plugging so hard.

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Its one of three things.

1.      A weird attempt to get political, this is how I read it as a bit of political statement, but the comments over at go.comics didn’t. Which sort of makes sense to me. Pluggers don’t like things to get political, in their minds they vote the party, pay their taxes, get upset about how many coffee drinks there are in the world now and carry on. I would argue they also stay quiet in support of a system that benefits them. Plugger privilege and all that. Plugger lives matter.

2.       A tribute to the hard working folks trying to get power to people all over America right now after storms. This is how most of the people commenting on it felt.

3.       Pure word play. No one is credited for submitting, which means this is pure Brookins, maybe this pun has just been burning a hole in his brain.

Best comment from

-Unlike Puerto Rico at the present moment- Templo S.U.D. 

I like it, no snark even I like it. Its true, and throws a little shade in the right direction. Not that they will be reading the pluggers page at go.comics but still like it. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Bark-a-lounger indeed.

This is a great example of how lazy Brookings has become, another day of Earl Houndstooth? Andy Bear could just as easily pass out in front of Hogan’s Heros.   I fall asleep watching TV all the time, but not to a specific show. (I feel I should own my pluggeryness whenever I can). 

That chair depresses the fuck out of me. I guarantee it is covered with a sheet. Also so close to the TV.

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 Now lets peep Al
Seems like a fun dude.

According to his website Al is a writer, speaker, storyteller and humorist. Al writes humor and nature columns for many newspapers and does regular radio shows about nature. He writes a number of popular cartoon strips that are syndicated nationally and is author of the book, "A Life Gone to the Birds." He is a columnist for "Bird Watcher’s Digest" and writes for a number of magazines and books. Al speaks to anyone who will listen. His mother thinks he is special.

Best comment from
Hogan’s time slot is the same as Johnny Carson on the next channel over, which was America’s favorite program to sleep to. - POODLEGROOMER 

Everything about this is fucking pluggers gold.

I’ve had those moments… even on some of my favorite YouTube channels. - TEMPLO S.U.D. 

Is this more depressing at a desk? I really doubt a plugger has the technology to get you tube on the TV. (Note to self a pluggers on demand, just a passed out lady chicken at a laptop) 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

She can't give up being control

I used to search a bit for a really good one, but I am just trying to choose todays in an effort of save time and keep it fresh, you know in case I stick with it.  Today's is another fresh take on the old trope nagging wife/put upon husband.  This shit never gets old am I right? Clearly his will to live is gone, yada yada. I also really don't like my pluggers driving anything that looks so much like a smart car, or that color, too fancy or citified.  He actually looks asleep, Ambien a Pluggers airbag.

The larger question here is who is Debbie Bender? Did she put pen to paper and describe a scene where a wife drives a husband to wish he was drugger or actually just take a hand full of pills, if only just to muffle her banshees shriek? Did she specify it being a woman talking to a man? Although its fucking implied am I right? 

 Lets look shall we?

Seems ok, she is a photographer lots of weddings, a rehab graduation, not great photos but she shows up and does the job. Nothing too obviously bad there,  but I do defect a slight loss of spark in Greg he's tired, tired of this marriage, she's gone every weekend  photographing who knows what , the girls need dinner and I have to be the one to heat up a Digiorno or microwave a white castle burger. 
Fuck you Debbie your "hobby" turned "Job" is tearing this fucing family apart.............................. 
oh fuck, I’m in too deep man. 

The comments on today are some gems. Here are a few.

  My wife generally can’t stand to have anyone else driving. She can’t give up being in control. One time I picked her up from a hospital stay after dark. She complained about my driving several times (minor inconsequential things) in the first 5 miles, so I pulled off at the next interstate exit and stopped at the side halfway down the exit to switch. The first thing she did was U-turn onto the entrance ramp from the end of the exit. But at least the rest of the trip was quieter. - GRAINPAW

-Oh Grainpaw (misspelling or a weird nod to your roots in agriculture.) I like the part where you force her nagging ass drive after being released from a hospital stay. Well done sir you showed her, the exhaustion, eagerness to get home and a possible brush with mortality may have been causing her to feel exta nervous but fuck that, lets just quiet her down.

The auto is set on auto nag. So is my house. - CMINUSCOMICS&STORIES

-This is what happens when word play falls into the hands of amateurs, it seems to hold together but under closer inspection it gets a bit wobble. A joke about a wife nagging in a car involving the pun auto nag works, once inside the house shit is weak.  Shout out though looking at this guys comments in the past 24 hours has led me to discover there is still a Kliban comic. Still though dude, work on the word play.  Stick with commenting on the use of social media in Ziggy. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Happy Anniversary!

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Hi, its the three year anniversary of a website no one ever read, I think maybe what it needs is a good old fashioned reboot. 

Luckily not much changes in the slow slog to death that makes a plugger a plugger. 

I have never seen Earl and Henrietta so openly hate each other, the thought of waking up with either of them is a nightmare (and not just because they are a dog and chicken joined together in some unholy union, according to wikipedia she also works at Costco!)

This was submitted by Steve Blow former columnist for the Dallas Morning News, judging by his column on how Sandra Bland should have just listened to police directions, I am guessing he is pure plugger. In fact I want to believe he has submitted a pluggers about listening to cops, perhaps some word play?  "A Pluggers cease and desist is more like cease and assist" and show a plugger cuffing

Steve Blow, Writer, Plugger, possible racist. 

Best comment from Go Comics 
I’ve run on FOUR HOURS of sleep a night, ever since high school. It was rather handy while in school/college, but I’d sure like to sleep through the night now that I don’t have to get up at any specific time anymore. I can’t seem to turn my head off. Watching a VERY FAMILIAR movie is about the only thing that does it for me these days.

VERY FAMILIAR. Why is it in all caps? Is it a hint as to what the movie is? 

Uh oh

Listen, this is a total moment where I realize I only hate Pluggers because I am becoming one. Its like looking in the mirror and seein...