Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Why? Why does that make me a plugger?

So I am a plugger if my birthday is in December? Stupid. The plugger in this strip is the one giving the joint Christmas birthday gift, that is some plugger shit for sure.

What do you get the lady chicken who has everything?


Best comment from go comics
Obviously these are going to be a shit storm of plugger sadness and useless information.
I've included a selection.
January 5th here. My parents couldn’t afford two sets of presents within two weeks, so I never got much of anything for my birthday. I learned not to celebrate my birthday, which puzzles my wife of 37 years to no end.
…i also get my license plate changed in december, too

Guess I’m a Plugger after all.

No kidding! Mine is Jan. 4, and when I was a kid, my aunt and grandmother would send me a Christmas card, and a note on it said, “this is for your birthday, too.” I’ve always threatened to do a “Queen Elizabeth,” and celebrate in June or July, as my “official” birthday, just like the Queen does. As is, it’s VERY unfair!

My dad’s birthday was three days after Christmas

Mine is 15 days before Christmas. My parents always seemed to make it work when I was a kid. My sister and I pretty much got the same amount of presents for birthdays and Christmas (hers is in June). I guess my parents were good at planning ahead. Nowadays I am lucky if anyone REMEMBERS I have a birthday (tho’ my husband always does)
My birthday is close to election day. Sometimes I get what I want for my birthday, sometimes not. This year was mostly good, two and six years ago, mostly not so good…

I was born on Dec 26th 1971. My brother was born on Dec 26th, 1968. He’s three years older than me to the day.

Having a Boxing Day birthday has one big advantage: I’ve never had to work or go to school on my birthday, ever. However, it also has several disadvantages. I’ve never had a birthday party, birthday cake (after Christmas nobody wants to even think about cake), or even a birthday present I could trust (did they just hold a Christmas gift back?). Also, not having to work also means nobody else has to either. That meant waiting an extra day to get my driver’s license, liquor ID, and many other rites of passage. And finally, sharing my birthday with my brother just plain sucked. One’s birthday is supposed to be “their” day, when they can feel special, a least in their own family. I had to share my “special” birthday with an older sibling, one who was not particularly pleased with sharing “his” day with me, either…

I call foul. Being a plugger is a choice lifestyle. Not something forced on you from birth. If that was the case every single person ever born in late December is a plugger.


  1. Boxing Day off? Is this a Canadian or British plugger? Is that even allowed? I think Pluggers should be American, goddammit!

  2. I think there might be a Plugger loophole if you are from some place like Alberta.

  3. he's been married for 37 years and his wife couldn't dissuade him to get over his martyr complex? the worst.

    claiming election day birthday as a problem? clearly people just don't like him. because he is a plugger.


Uh oh

Listen, this is a total moment where I realize I only hate Pluggers because I am becoming one. Its like looking in the mirror and seein...