Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Here it is the #1 plugger of the year! Faint praise.

Proving that with my poor arithmetic skills, I will never be a Plugger.
Reed Hoover, Natch.

Comment from go comics (I won't say best, they all sucked)

 Actually most registers today do all the math work. The hard part comes when the cashier has to count out the change. The chain drug store I recently retired from has a device that dispenses the correct coinage, cashier just has to count out the dollars shown on the screen & some even have problems with that.
Anyway Everyone have a Happy & Healthy & Safe 2105

Anyway, I bet no one was sad to see you go.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Why? Why does that make me a plugger?

So I am a plugger if my birthday is in December? Stupid. The plugger in this strip is the one giving the joint Christmas birthday gift, that is some plugger shit for sure.

What do you get the lady chicken who has everything?


Best comment from go comics
Obviously these are going to be a shit storm of plugger sadness and useless information.
I've included a selection.
January 5th here. My parents couldn’t afford two sets of presents within two weeks, so I never got much of anything for my birthday. I learned not to celebrate my birthday, which puzzles my wife of 37 years to no end.
…i also get my license plate changed in december, too

Guess I’m a Plugger after all.

No kidding! Mine is Jan. 4, and when I was a kid, my aunt and grandmother would send me a Christmas card, and a note on it said, “this is for your birthday, too.” I’ve always threatened to do a “Queen Elizabeth,” and celebrate in June or July, as my “official” birthday, just like the Queen does. As is, it’s VERY unfair!

My dad’s birthday was three days after Christmas

Mine is 15 days before Christmas. My parents always seemed to make it work when I was a kid. My sister and I pretty much got the same amount of presents for birthdays and Christmas (hers is in June). I guess my parents were good at planning ahead. Nowadays I am lucky if anyone REMEMBERS I have a birthday (tho’ my husband always does)
My birthday is close to election day. Sometimes I get what I want for my birthday, sometimes not. This year was mostly good, two and six years ago, mostly not so good…

I was born on Dec 26th 1971. My brother was born on Dec 26th, 1968. He’s three years older than me to the day.

Having a Boxing Day birthday has one big advantage: I’ve never had to work or go to school on my birthday, ever. However, it also has several disadvantages. I’ve never had a birthday party, birthday cake (after Christmas nobody wants to even think about cake), or even a birthday present I could trust (did they just hold a Christmas gift back?). Also, not having to work also means nobody else has to either. That meant waiting an extra day to get my driver’s license, liquor ID, and many other rites of passage. And finally, sharing my birthday with my brother just plain sucked. One’s birthday is supposed to be “their” day, when they can feel special, a least in their own family. I had to share my “special” birthday with an older sibling, one who was not particularly pleased with sharing “his” day with me, either…

I call foul. Being a plugger is a choice lifestyle. Not something forced on you from birth. If that was the case every single person ever born in late December is a plugger.

Friday, December 19, 2014

What is the statute of limitations of shit Pluggers can get smug about? Laurence Welk was cancelled in 1971, and was in syndication until 1982. PBS seemed to run it for a while after that but the point is that little cub is maybe or 8 or 9 years old (whats that in boy bear years)?

I also just assume Pluggers love American Idol. Perhaps its just the chance to bore the shit out of younger people with your claims.


Best comments from go comics

If we could just get the music, my wife would love to watch the show but we have to occasionally listen to the ‘Great Musicman’ speak and for some reason, it just grates on my wife’s nerves. So, we don’t watch the show ! ! !

Lawrence Welk put out hundreds of records, also mute buttons.
I shouldn't have to tell you this shit Plugger.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Menage a woof

Holy shit.

My usual method for finding pluggers to blog about is just to randomly choose one from the past year and go with it. But today I ended up all of the way back in 2001 (hence the Black and white) and this appeared.

It really, really shows the fucked up nature of animals starring in this strip and owning pets. From one angle there is no joke here at all. If we can be ok with a bear fucking a kangaroo is a threeway with a dog really so different?

I think we are supposed to know the dog is a pet because he is above the covers and sleeping nude. (Pluggers always wear PJ's naturally)


Best and only comment from Go.comics
Hey, that happens at MY house, all the time!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Once a plugger, always a plugger

I almost don’t want to say anything, the lack of a joke is just writing itself.

Instead focus on that dude cleaning under this cadavers fingers.
Once a plugger, always a plugger.

Also what kind of terrible fucking mortician would say that to a grieving widow at the funeral, right next to the coffin.
Once a plugger, Always a plugger.

This is also one of those ones that I wonder how much Brookins came up with and how much the submitter. In this case Dave Mclane of Clarion Pennsylvania. Did he just submit “once a plugger, always a plugger”? or was there a sketch? Or a description of a hard working mortician having to clean a grubby pluggers body.


Best comment from
This is another one where I have to include two comments. Please note the top commenters name.

Luv Them Pluggers said:
I never understood those folks who bury Grandpa wearing his glasses. Do we really need them in heaven? I thought we got brand new everything, if we’d been good. oh, oh…
Saucy 1121 said: 
Usually glasses are removed before the casket is closed. Left on for the viewing since most people were used to seeing the deceased that way. Funeral home will give them to the family or pass them on to a charity.

Your grandfather is going to hell, but at least his glasses will go to charity.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Classic. so classic. Depressing, talk of a senior discount, a young person who doesn't know what they are talking about, a lone plugger making his own funeral arrangements.

Usually they try to add some humour, but here its just a big plate of sadness. Maybe Corpus and sons is an attempt at a joke?

Makes you miss a Facebook pun.


Todays best comments from

Bit of a tiff broke out.

You’re a plugger if you’re a death-obsessed tightwad.

Stick it where the sun never shines, you humorless ___.

Friday, December 5, 2014

As always, pluggers is keeping it light.

You love to cook, and you love recipes. For years you have collected them and lovingly organized them in cute little matching boxes. So many memories and warm times.

Well guess what? Your days are numbered. You will die before you get through them.
Fit in what you can, but just know the dark hand of the reaper is coming.

They don't call them the funny pages for nothing folks.

Also the idea of Henrietta eating an omelette is pretty fucking grim.


Best comment from
I’ve seen women with literally hundreds of cook books and they never cook. Their husbands are angry about it.
Note taken Jay, note taken. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Reed Hoover- King Plugger

I think this is the moment I went too deep.
I had to google who Reed Hoover was, it seemed familiar but I assumed it was some sort of Paul Harvey/Dear Abby thing, but no, no Reed Harvey is the king plugger. He has has over 200 Pluggers published!

So many stamps.

I wish this had been submitted by Reed himself.
Here is a story from the Dallas morning news about him, I mean if you are really bored.


First you are born, then you die.


Because giving up is what makes you are real plugger.

Best comment from go. comics
Unca Jim said, about 21 hours ago
Ah….Home-made bread..equals starch, which equals sugar, which equals an extra shot of insulin, which rebounds with the sweats and the shakes, and floating white spots, and..and…and……but it waz WORTH it !!
You might want to consider reducing your dosage…

Diabetes, is fucking hilarious.

Son, I own you

Nothing too special here, technology pun. About technology that is 30 years old. Because you know, pluggers are adorable down home Luddites with strong values for real things, blah blah blah.
But the real story here is another strip about the horror of animals owning other animals as pets. In many cases the same kind of animals they are. Perhaps they raise their children as pets? Like you can shit on the ground until you are 18 son, then is time for clothes and a job as a Walmart greeter.


Best comment from Go comics

Collar. Caller. Collar. Caller. Maybe that works in Florida. (Or India?)

Another classic example of a plugger making sure you know how he feels,  we get it you hate outsourcing, and Florida perhaps? Maybe its the shitty pun that has him down. Or is he using the posters last name and its a racist burn?

Sheila you bitch

This is pretty run of the mill plugging, but what I love is Sheila Roo here, with her bitchy smug side eye.
Yes we know, you are an Australian aerobics instructor. You have a rocking hot kangaroo body, tightest pouch in town they say.  I have begun to imagine she really looks down on the rest of these dumpy ladies.

Bitch, you might want to lay off the blue eye shadow, shit went out with Jane Fonda.


Best comment from Go Comics

This was a rough one, its was a bit of a sad fest. You know, no one buys me cards.
but the real gem here is a comment from the man himself, pluggers mastermind Gary Brookins.
And its a fucking doozy, it also makes me wonder about the sadness his mail holds.

I have had numerous pluggers over the years write in to say that when their anniversary comes around, they both go to the card store, pick out a card for their spouse, exchange and read them, then put them back on the rack. By the way, today is actually Mrs. Plugger’s birthday . . . but I ain’t saying what her age is!

I would punch Jay in the nuts if this was his anniversary plan.

I like Ike, but its my hatred of Pluggers that brought me back.

Allright, I'm back.
It turns out that a month recovering from surgurey and dealing with such things as being unable to get off the toilet and needing help into the bathtub are actually so much like being a plugger I couldn't find the mocking in me. But I am on the mend and back to being my usually unkind self.

Without further ado, Lets begin

Yes, Pluggers please let the country go to complete fucking shit based on your love of Ike and hatred of buying new bumper stickers. Also what kind of fucking bumper sticker lasts for over 60 years?

On to the comments from
So this Plugger likes Mr. Godsey from 1972-1981 TV show “The Waltons”? {wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

This is fucking gibberish.

Uh oh

Listen, this is a total moment where I realize I only hate Pluggers because I am becoming one. Its like looking in the mirror and seein...