Saturday, September 20, 2014


Unlike younger folks who throw shampoo out as soon as it is a quarter full because we just do not give a FUCK.
Also I feel like this should be racy but as it is a bear and I see them topless all the time I guess its no big deal.
I suppose if the dog or whatever she is married to jumped n it might get pretty dirty pretty quick. Or he might have a stroke

Why am I assuming this is a woman?


Best comment from go

Heck when the bottle is 1/4 used fill it up with water then. Heck if you want cheap instead of buying low cal dressing but the fat stuff and when 1/3 done with it fill it with water. there you go us plugger rule

Someone here is trying to out plugger pluggers.


Uh oh

Listen, this is a total moment where I realize I only hate Pluggers because I am becoming one. Its like looking in the mirror and seein...